February 16, 2010

Hypnobabies Week 1

I will be talking a lot about hypnobabies the next several weeks. I am starting the course work for that this week. Week 1's reading contained an introduction to what hypnosis is and isn't. The main point was that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and that I will always be in control of what suggestions I accept. It assured that hypnosis can take some time to learn to do well, so it's important to practice it every day. I learned about how words are so powerful, and thus it's important to change negative words to positive ones (as I explained in my previous post.) It gave a quick overview of the female anatomy.

A part I found a little corny was creating a "bubble of peace." It makes sense, but the imagery is a little silly to me. I am to create my bubble of peace around me. I only let positive thoughts/people into my bubble. Anything negative bounces off and does not affect me. I guess before going into social situations I am to think about my BOP. This could be helpful, because whenever someone finds out I'm having twins the usual response is "Oh I had a friend who had twins, and she said blah blah blah." Situations like that I am to stop them in their tracks and tell them I don't want to hear it!

Lastly, some information I found quite fascinating...I learned about how fear during birth can stall it. Mammals usually seek out dark, comfortable places to give birth (think about cats!). There are two types of muscles in the uterus. Ones for opening everything up and allowing for birth. And ones for closing things up in response to fear or stress. So if the cat senses a predator or something else that might endanger her/her kittens, the stress causes the uterus to actually stop birth, so she can run and find another spot to birth her kitties. I thought that was fascinating. This happened to me w/ DS. I was worrying I would be too tired to push and end up w/ a c-section. I was stuck at 6 cm for 12 hours! It's just very interesting how our bodies work!

So hypnobabies is allowing me to not focus on fear. It teaches you to focus on all the positive things that WILL happen, and allowing the body to work the way it is supposed to. At my last doctor's appointment, Dr. Brown seemed shocked I had not experienced any signs of low blood pressure, such as dizziness or headaches. I guess it is extremely common w/ multiple pregnancies. The hypnobabies twin affirmations are instilling into my mind that I am healthy. I eat and drink healthily for me and my babies. And that my body IS WORKING PERFECTLY for the stage of pregnancy I am in. I cannot even begin to describe how much more energetic and "normal" I feel since I began listening to my affirmations. Yes, I get tired, but not like before. Before I was tired, because I was pregnant with twins. Now I am energized for the very same reason! It feels so good!

February 9, 2010

Hypnobabies has arrived!

I haven't even started the course, and I already love it.  I have been listening to my twin hypnosis track and twin affirmations track.  It is so wonderful.  It makes you completely relaxed and the positive messages are very powerful.  It has already helped w/ some Braxton Hicks pressure.

"So what is hypnobabies?" everyone asks me!  It's a method of using hypnosis to have a comfortable birth experience.  It's a whole new philosophy.

Old Negative Term    New Positive Term
contraction                 Pressure wave or birthing wave
labor                          Birthing time
pain                            Pressure or discomfort
due date                     Guess date
transition                    Transformation

Here is a video that discusses intervention in childbirth and toward the end it discusses hypnosis.

Also, here is a youtube video of it in action.

Here and Here  are explanations of hypnobabies. 

So from here on out I am going to do my best to keep myself away from negative thoughts.  I will not allow strangers to tell me their horror stories.  I will not watch any TV that involves birthing (Baby Story type shows or even sitcoms that have childbirth in it!)  I will not even watch natural childbirth videos as they often show women in a lot of discomfort, and that can promote fear.

I have a friend who used hypnobabies.  This past summer she was able to deliver a 10 lb baby while being induced w/ pitocin.  (Pitocin causes your pressure waves to be stronger than normal.) She was 100% monitored, so did not have free mobility.  She said she did not "want" medication for the discomfort.  She said she couldn't have done it without hypnobabies!  

I am shutting off comments on my blog, as I don't want anonymous strangers putting negative thoughts in my mind or even joking about this.  So that is the skinny on this class my husband and I are taking.  It is not only about hypnosis.  It is a full course on childbirth and having a healthy positive pregnancy and birth!  Cheers!